Miracle Wedding Planner & Organizer

Wedding Planner & Stylist in Amaryllis

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IDR 45,000,000


200 Pax
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 15,000,000++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 7,500,000++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 3,750,000++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 1,875,000++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
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Miracle Wedding Planner & Organizer

Wedding Planner & Stylist in Amaryllis

by Miracle Wedding Planner & Organizer — Wedding Planning

  • 200 Pax
  • Amaryllis
  • Planner


This package is only for brides who will held the ceremony in AMARYLLIS RESORT PUNCAK BOGOR The package is include : - Full day service - 15 professional assistant (Wedding Organizer) on the day - Arrange professional rundown (from early morning, Chinese tradition, holy matrimony, until reception) and time plan for your wedding day - Unlimited times meeting with owner - Theme Planning: Help the couple decide on a wedding theme, colors, and style - Vendor Consultation: Involves selecting, briefing, and coordinating with vendors to ensure their services align with the wedding theme, timeline, and budget for a seamless event - Mood board: Create a visual guidelines for vendors - Attire Advice: Assist in choosing wedding outfits that match the theme - Personal Styling: Providing guidance on hair, makeup, and accessories to complement the wedding theme - Help you to take and return bride and family’s dress - Arrange technical meeting (usually 1 month before your wedding day) - H-1 check in at hotel The price is exclude accommodation (hotel h-1) for WO Crews. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. Thank you and, Let The Miracle be Yours.

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