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Harga Terbaik


Harga Terbaik
Hemat 5jt
IDR 25,000,000 IDR 20,000,000


400 Pax

Dapatkan 15,000 Wedding Points

Dapatkan Wedding Points senilai 7.5% dari nilai transaksi Bridestory Deals Anda & gunakan sebagai potongan untuk transaksi berikutnya!

Informasi Selengkapnya
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 6,666,666++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 3,333,333++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 1,666,666++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 833,333++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
Informasi Selengkapnya
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SHILO WEDDING ORGANIZER - 4 times offline meetings (Build Moodboard, Vendors Technical Meeting, Families Technical Meeting, Final Meeting & Properties Drop Off). - Vendors Recommendation - Free Consultation start from the first deal, unlimited online meeting in working hours Tuesday to Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm. - Organizing & Arrangement on the wedding day from the beginning until finish, including Morning Tradition, Matrimony / Akad, Rehearsal, Teapay, & Party. - Rundown & Report about the Wedding Day - Wedding Organizer Team 10 persons

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