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IDR 5,000,000
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 1,666,666++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 833,333++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 416,666++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 208,333++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
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Event Painter

Live Wedding Painting

by Event Painter — Illustration

  • painting
  • souvenir
  • wedding gift


Our artist will paint a special moment from your wedding while the event is happening. The material that we use is acrylic on canvas. Guests can watch the painting come to life, adding a fun and unique touch to your celebration. After the wedding, you’ll have a beautiful artwork that captures the memory forever. Nista Package High Quality Canvas 40 x 55 cm Acrylic Paint 6 hours of coverage 1 painters + 1 assistant No Revision PAINTING GUIDELINES: Maximum 2 people / Canvas

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