Ediswarah Studio

Handmade Style Shoot Wedding Invitation

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Harga Terbaik
Hemat 5%
IDR 850,000 IDR 807,500

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Ediswarah Studio

Handmade Style Shoot Wedding Invitation

by Ediswarah Studio — Calligraphy

  • Handmade
  • Calligraphy
  • Illustration


Stationery bundle for keepsake, and can be used for engagement/wedding photoshoots. Each piece of this Stationery Budle is custom handcrafted with a combination of hand illustration, calligraphy, digital print, and manual foil and comes in a beautiful foiled storage case. The bundle consists of the following items: ° A5 playing card event ° Small Quote Cards ° Small Envelope ° A5 Envelope with Envelope liner ° Illustration Card ° Scroll Bride's name ° Blank Vow Booklet or Letter (maximum 120 words) *This product comes as is. There will be no replacement in any part ** No revision for all parts. They are created based on Edi's artistic wisdom following the theme and color palette of your event.

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