Hotel Gran Mahakam

Enchanting Wedding Package for 300 persons

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IDR 221,400,000


300 Pax
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 73,800,000++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 36,900,000++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 18,450,000++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 9,225,000++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
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Hotel Gran Mahakam

Enchanting Wedding Package for 300 persons

by Hotel Gran Mahakam — Ballroom Hotel

  • 300 Pax


Minimum spending at Rp 221,400,000++/Rp 267,894,000 for 300 persons Buffet at Rp 738,000++/person (min. buffet order 210 persons) PRIOR TO THE WEDDING - Complimentary food tasting for 6 persons with selected menu - Complimentary usage of meeting room for technical meeting, inclusive of coffee break for 10 persons - Pre-wedding photo / video shoot venue DURING THE WEDDING - Usage of Magnolia Ballroom, Camelia Room & Pre-function at 2nd Level - Combination of Western, Oriental and Asian buffet menu - Free flow ice water during the event - Complimentary refreshment of 30 persons (Lontong Mahakam, Assorted Jajanan Pasar Tampah at 75 pieces, Coffee or Tea) - Complimentary crew meals for 15 persons - Champagne tower with 2 bottles of sparkling juice for toasting ceremony - Stage or dance floor - Fresh flower arrangement for reception desk and VIP round tables - Complimentary usage of one dressing room - Complimentary parking / valet parking for all invitees - Complimentary usage of LED Videotron - Electricity 8,000 watts - Standard sound system - 2 reception books at the reception desks ACCOMMODATION - Two nights stay at an Executive Suite for Bride & Groom inclusive of breakfast for two persons at Le Gran Café - Two nights stay at 2 Deluxe Rooms for family inclusive of breakfast for two persons at Le Gran Café - Special room rate for family and friends Note: * For further information, please contact our wedding consultant Yosita +62817******

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