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IDR 7,800,000

Minimum Pemesanan

6 Pcs
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 15,600,000++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 7,800,000++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 3,900,000++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 1,950,000++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
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Rama Dauhan Design Studio

Bridesmaid - Dresses (6 Pax)

by Rama Dauhan Design Studio — Jahit Gaun Bridesmaid

  • Min. 6 Pcs
  • Bridesmaid
  • Dresses


Prices above are included as follows 1. Exclusive design from designer Rama Dauhan 2. Fabric are included to the price above 3. Price can be change depend on fabric and detail embellishment 4. Dry clean included 5. Price is excluded shipping cost 6. Pre Order: Minimum order D-40 before the event

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