Fairfield By Marriott Surabaya

Akad/Holy Matrimony by Fairfield Surabaya

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IDR 8,500,000


30 Pax
Cicilan 0% dengan Bridestory Pay Badge
3 Bulan IDR 2,833,333++ per bulan
6 Bulan IDR 1,416,666++ per bulan
12 Bulan IDR 708,333++ per bulan
24 Bulan IDR 354,166++ per bulan
Simulasi dihitung berdasarkan minimum pemesanan & belum termasuk biaya layanan bank
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Fairfield By Marriott Surabaya

Akad/Holy Matrimony by Fairfield Surabaya

by Fairfield By Marriott Surabaya — Ballroom Hotel

  • 30 Pax
  • Pool side
  • Pre-wed venue


Holy Matrimony/Akad Ceremony can be beautifully held in our pool side or function room. From intimate setting to big scale event can be accommodated. Wide range buffet menu is available to choose. Inclusion : - Venue usage up to 4 hours - Buffet Menu with 2 Appetizer, 1 Soup, 5 Main Courses, 3 Desserts and Live Cooking - Complimentary standard sound system - Complimentary usage of electricity up to 5000 watt - Complimentary pre-wedding photo venue at Fairfield by Marriott - Complimentary use of pre-meeting service with wedding coordinator - Special group rates for minimum 10 rooms per day with minimum 2 nights stay

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