Pahat Wedding - Tribute for Parents
oleh Pahat Studios
Diperbarui pada 02 November 2017, Semarang, Jawa tengah

Any celebrations that happens in our lives has been made possible by the most important people in our lives; parents. We tend to forget the many things that they have done for us ever since we exist. From staying up late to feed our hungry bellies to paying our tuition fees. Sure they can be a bit annoying every now and then by reminding us of so many things over and over again. But it was all for a good purpose; to prepare you for your future life. Both parents raise their children to become independent adults and encourage them to make good decisions. Opportunities to learn and new things to try that made them who they are today had been made possible by Mom and Dad. Without the valuable lessons and given chances by their parents, they would not be where they are today. Thank you everything that you have done such as letting them try new paths everyday and continues to guide them throughout their lives. We could not have done everything without you. Thank you, Mom and Dad.
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