PAHAT SameDay Edit - Hendy & Felita "New Chapter"
oleh Pahat Studios
Diperbarui pada 02 November 2017, Uluwatu, Bali

From the moment we were born, we have many destinations to be made. Learn how to crawl, walk, speak, make friends, get a degree, find a proper and stable job and get married. Is making a celebration of finding that someone with your love ones the end of your destination? It is not. It is a new beginning as Hendy and Felita proves right. An exciting, scary, beautiful, enchanting and exhilarating adventure will be written on a crisp paper for they are destined to be together. Sure they might stumble upon a few writer’s block here and there but there is nothing that the power of two cannot do just like the old saying “Two is better than one.”What we know for sure is that this book will be written in the romance genre, with a comedic taste and everlasting adventures.
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