Groom Selfies
oleh Michelle Anderson (Michell e brant) Celebrant
Diperbarui pada 21 September 2015, Gold Coast

A crusade for a fairer Wedding World for Grooms! by Michelle Anderson (Michell e brant Celebrant), Marriage Celebrant Brides ARE Beautiful and they deserve the big camera attention that they get, but… “What about the Blokes?” I ask! GROOMS do it pretty tough out there… They are left in the elements for unbearable minutes at a time, anxiously awaiting the arrival of their darling future wife; lips trembling, hands clenched. All the while they are desperately trying not to let Nana’s lipstick or his beads of sweat stain the new suave suit for fear of Bride’s disapproval. In his last moments of Singledom, a GROOM will experience complex emotions; anxiety, anticipation, excitement, fear, relief & joy. It’s an emotional roller coaster ride. In all honesty, he is sweating bullets and is altogether overwhelmed. As the Celebrant right next him, I hold him up (and on to him if necessary). I am the one to check that his tie is straight and his ‘men’ are behaving themselves. Once the music starts and the guests stand, a very special moment of magic happens and I am fortunate enough to witness it each and every time.Amelia and Sam Welsh May 2015 You see, for all the laughs, sweat, nerves; through all that, there is only one moment that matters and that is this. After her bridesmaids have made their entrance and taken their place, a proud father emerges and on his arm is the most exquisite of all women, radiant and glowing with happiness. When he first sees his life long love in all her beauty, he cannot help but gulp, perspire and shed a little tear or two. In that very second, I can sense the shiver up his spine and the tingle in his fingers. Like an electric current, he is paralysed. The fear has disappeared though and it is replaced with longing, relief and visible joy. Even the manliest of men have cracked at this very point in time after swearing to me, only a minute prior, that they have never cried in their lives. Yeah right buddy – pass the tissues please! From here, the GROOM passes the lime light to the BRIDE for the rest of the Wedding Day, because let’s face it, from here on it is all about her! 10411756_737927589649008_5965487800751961067_nAs I forge ahead with my crusade for a fairer Wedding World for Grooms, I like to take one special moment before the bride arrives to do a “Groom Selfie”. It’s my way of saying, “I appreciate you, Groom”. So ladies…I plead with you to remember that it’s not all about diamonds, nails and heels. Your man may not need a make up artist or to have his hair styled, but he still needs his moment of glory. Give him a SPOT IN THE GROOM LIGHT! #lastshotofsingledom #ShotInTheGroomLight #itsHisDayToo #michell_e_brant
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- Others (Unique Services) : Michelle Anderson (Michell e brant) Celebrant
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