Jackie & Inez | Wedding Dream
Diperbarui pada 17 Mei 2017

photography & videography by Poke Pictures wedding dress by Maya Ratih makeup by Ando decoration by Juliana Decor wedding organizer by Faith D Organizer wedding bouquet by Atrina feel free to tag and download your pictures. don't forget to share it to your family and friends. for more further more info, please contact us. phone: +62 87 88 23 23 23 7 (william) email: info@pokepictures.com website: www.pokepictures.com
vendor yang terlibat di project:
- Photography : Poke Pictures , JULIANA DECOR
- Decoration & Lighting : JULIANA DECOR
- Dress & Attire : Mayaratih Couture
- Wedding Planning : Faith D Organizer
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