Diperbarui pada 12 September 2016, Bandung

We all know marriage is a lifetime commitment. As it said in Matthew 19:6, “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Therefore, we have to be sure on the person we chose to be our lifetime spouse. Marriage is a full of sacrifices. This explains why a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife. If you’re ready for this lifetime commitment, you will ready to put down your ego and always to put your spouse first above everything. Now you’re a team who is ready to conquer the world and don’t forget to be a best friend and lover at the same time to each other as well. Andre and Tia, we are so happy finally you’ve found each other. We believe Andre would make a great husband and daddy for your future children. So, don’t you ever worried about your future as long as you have Andre right beside you. So, congratulations once again with this wonderful commitment to each other. We knew you two are made for each other. May you always stay in love for the rest of your live. Cheers!
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