Michelle & Roy - Connection Session - Nusa Penida
Diperbarui pada 11 Juni 2018, Bali

It’s been three years and seven months since Michelle and Roy met for the first time. It all happened when they went to a church in Singapore and coincidentally sat next to each other. Michelle was introduced by her friends to Roy and they chatted for a bit in the Church. Roy was interested in her and wanted to get to know her better. From asking her friends to stalking through her social media. After a few more dates, Roy finally asked her to be his girlfriend. Before Roy asked her to be his girlfriend, they asked about their commitment to one another. They wanted the relationship to be their last as they were tired of having not-so-serious relationship. Since they first met, Michelle felt that he is the one and likewise. View the complete journey on our blog: https://iluminen.com/nusa-penida-prewedding-michelle-roy/
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