St Regis - Dale & Reanne
oleh Hong Ray Photography
Diperbarui pada 30 Maret 2019, SINGAPORE

Dale runs a large wedding music company "High Notes" and it's funny when I recall how we know each other. A year ago when I moved into my new studio at Midview Building, I was using the toilet and happened to search for wifi; saw "The wedding music company" network on the list. I was so excited that one of my neighbours is in the same industry as me. So I got in touch with Dale. Over the months he was really helpful especially with the studio setup process, by lending me his tall ladder, tools and gave advice on running a business. We often spend nights having a couple of beers since only two of us are open past midnights while the other offices close after 6 pm. Really honoured to be part of their wedding. By the way if anyone of you needs a singer for your wedding, we can schedule a meetup on the same day since we are 1 floor apart =)
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