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Angeline & JiaQing

Diperbarui pada 13 Juni 2018, Singapore

Last weekend I was reminded that marriage is about a bond between two people. We love lovely loving couple. To clarify, we love couples who are lovely and loving towards one another. Angeline and JiaQing are definitely one of those couples. It was amazing seeing these couples together. They seem to be very comfortable and full of life when they look at each other. Angeline would smile so bright and JiaQing would look at her ever so gently. This is what weddings are all about. To celebrate the love so strong that will last for eternity. JiaQing is a warm heart and family oriented person, that's the reason why Angeline loves for. Everything looked perfect and the sun was shining brightly for their special day. Angeline looked so amazing in her wedding dress. We can see how happy JiaQing seeing her beautiful life partner on the day. It's great to see how much everyone enjoy the day and celebrate with the happy couple. Angeline and JiaQing we want to wish you all the very best. Keep on cherishing one another and loving each other. We hope this film will always remind you both what an amazing thing you guys have with each other. Cheers!!!

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