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Modern Couples’ Problem: Relationship vs. Technology

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Photography: Fotolia

The term of 'technoference' obviously refers to technology interference. Do you realize that technology can be a major relationship killer? But fear not. Let us share with you five tips on using your gadgets wisely before it destroys your relationship.

Create Gadget-Free Rules

We know how important your gadgets are for you, but isn't your partner even more important? Make sure you set a balance by agreeing upon significant rules about gadget free time and place. If dinner time is a routine you use to reconnect with one another in your home, ban gadgets there, so that you can enjoy the meal and the company of each other while sharing stories. If you think you can reconnect before bedtime each night, then turn off your phone and TV and start the pillow talk with your partner before both of you drift away to dreamland. Be consistent with these rules and you will soon notice the difference in your relationship.

Have a Good Gadget-Judgment

It's impossible to notice anything that happens around you when your head is buried in social media. You might even miss your partner looking a bit gloomy and stressed after a long day. Don't make it worse by letting yourself be stuck with your gadget. Put it down and ask him about his day. He needs to talk and to be listened, so be there for him. You can scroll down the timeline of your social media later.

Take Advantage of the Technology's Positive Side

Technology advancement is not a bad thing. Having a gadget can also improve your relationship, if you use it wisely. Try sending your partner an impromptu love letter through e-mail. Get creative with tons of ideas out there and surprise your partner in a hi-tech way!

Seize the Moment, Don't (Always) Share it

Gadget diminishes the boundaries of personal space and social media is like our playground. We gather with some friends, some old friends we knew since preschool, some new friends we never even meet in a real life. Social media lets us share our life with our friends, but you have to realize that we don't need to share everything. Before sharing anything, consider your partner's feelings about it. Remember, some things are better unshared.

Gadget is Just a Tool, the Key is Good Communication

The point of a successful marriage is a good communication. Yes, gadget helps communication a lot and makes your life easier, so be smart using your smartphone to communicate with your partner.

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