It may look like a simple outdoor pre-wedding photoshoot, but even the most basic of shoots require a certain amount of planning. Working together with Mike Chen Photography, Kim Soon and Hui Maan spent three weeks to work out the locations and props needed to bring the photos alive. "I did all the location recces to ensure everything will be perfect on the day of the shoot. We even created a WhatsApp chat group with the photographer to discuss the look and feel right down to little details like suitable flowers and casual wear," says the bride.
The couple traveled to various parts of Singapore to showcase its wondrous natural beauty, from a dense forest in Punggol to Keppel Harbour and grasslands of Tuas. The outcome was beautiful with a storyboard of lovely green images with a rustic feel that spoke of their love for each other and the great outdoors. "The day was long; we spent a total of 7 hours shooting but everything turned out wonderfully!"