Photography: Angela Shae
Your wedding will never be complete without your best girls. While they are the ones who had been there through your heartbreaks, they are also the ones who should be there through your joyful day. These are simple rules to show your appreciation and love to your bridesmaids.
DON'T: Treat them like an actual maid
For the sake of your friendship, remember to be respectful to each other at all times. Just because this is your special day and all eyes should be on you, it doesn't mean you can boss them around to fetch your things without proper manners.
DO: Say thank you in-betweens and prepare a thank-you card at the end
Simple and meaningful, but often overlooked. During your most stressful days of wedding planning, spend several seconds to slip in your appreciations of their helps. A simple 'I just want you to know how much I appreciate your help' would be sweet. And at the end of your wedding day, send out thank you notes – preferably hand-written – to appreciate their efforts and support.
DON'T: Let them pay their own hotels and tickets
Especially if you are planning a destination wedding, don't let them pay their own hotels and tickets. Not everyone is on excessive budgets to spend it on your wedding. Give them some room to breathe and pay for their accommodations.
DO: Pick up the meal tab
During your wedding planning, your girls might spend their day – or even days – helping you to find the perfect dress or meet the vendors. Afterwards, everyone's bound to be hungry. Once in a while, treat them a simple snack or plan a fancy dinner – but by all means, show that you care.
DON'T: Ask them to pay for fancy makeups and hairdos
It doesn't matter if you want them to rock a complicated hairstyle or makeup or a simple one, it would be kind of you to offer to pay for it. Imagine how happy you would be looking at each faces on the photo and see their beautiful burden-free smiles.
DO: Prepare a thank-you gift
No matter how simple the gifts are, these are signs that you really appreciate their work. Read more about bridesmaid gift ideas, right here.
DON'T: Ask them to do last minute DIY projects
No one enjoys last-minute tasks – and so do your bridesmaids. As much as they are happy to help you out with those things, they have their own lives to go by. So please consider the proper timeline if you need any of their helps along the way.