Melissa dan Abraham pertama bertemu sebagai rekan kerja. Kian lama kian dekat, keduanya akhirnya sepakat untuk menjalin hubungan. Awalnya, keluarga mereka meragukan hubungan ini karena Abraham dan Melissa berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda. Namun lewat kesabaran dan kegigihan, pasangan ini memenangkan restu keluarga mereka.
Hubungan mereka kembali diuji ketika Melissa divonis dengan kanker getah bening stadium 2B dan para dokter menemukan tumor di paru-parunya. Ia harus menjalani kemoterapi dan terapi radiasi intensif untuk melawan penyakitnya. "Saat itu merupakan 10 bulan terberat dalam hidup saya. Namun lewat proses ini, saya diyakinkan bahwa Abraham adalah jodoh saya," kenang Melissa.
Dalam tiap cobaan yang datang, Abrahan tetap setia dan selalu mendukung Melissa. Terkadang ia bermain gitar untuk menghiburnya dan juga mempersiapkan kejutan-kejutan kecil untuk memberi kekasihnya semangat. Setelah Melissa memenangkan pertarungan dengan penyakitnya, Abraham rupanya telah mempersiapkan kejutan terspesial, melamarnya di hadapan keluarga mereka. "After everything we've been through, I'm sure that he's the one. Tentu saja saya mengiyakan lamarannya!" ujar Melissa dengan antusias.
Tak lama setelah lamaran tersebut terjadi, seorang teman memberitahu mereka tentang kompetisi A Good Beginning. "Waktunya sangat tepat dan kami telah lama menginginkan untuk menikah di Bali," Melissa menjelaskan. "Kami juga berharap pengalaman kami dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi pasangan lain yang akan atau sedang mengalami hal yang sama," ia melanjutkan. Melalui kisah cinta mereka, kami sungguh dapat melihat bagaimana cinta menaklukan segala tantangan. Karena itulah kami bertekad mewujudkan pernikahan yang seindah kisah cinta mereka.
Tim Hilda Bridestory kemudian berkolaborasi dengan Tirtha Bridal dan vendor premium lainnya untuk mewujudkan pernikahan ini. Ketika harinya tiba, Tirtha Uluwatu telah dihias cantik dengam elemen botanikal karya Steve's Décor. Melissa sendiri terlihat begitu cantik dalam gaun-gaun dari Cinobi. Riasan wajah oleh Adi Adrian dan aksesori dari Litany melengkapi dengan sempurna tampilannya pada hari itu. Abraham pun terlihat tak kalah menawan dalam balutan jas abu-abu oleh Brillington & Brothers.
Bahkan ditengah semua keindahan yang ada, Abraham dan Melissa tak dapat mengalihkan pandangan mereka dari satu sama lain. Mungkin perjuangan berat yang telah berhasil mereka lewati adalah apa yang membuat hubungan keduanya begitu kuat. "Jangan pernah menyerah pada pasangan Anda. Dalam susah dan senang, sehat dan sakit, tetaplah mendukung mereka. Itulah sumber kekuatan terbesar untuk melewati segala masalah," Abraham berujar.
Melihat foto-foto momen kebersamaan mereka yang diabadikan oleh Axioo, kami yakin Anda pun dapat melihat betapa hangat dan berkesannya pernikahan tersebut. "Perayaan ini melebihi harapan kami, benar-benar seperti sebuah mimpi. Terima kasih banyak tim Hilda dan Tirtha Bridal untuk pengalaman luar biasa ini!" Melissa berkata seraya tersenyum .
Melissa and Abraham first met as colleagues. Their chemistry grew stronger by the day and the two finally started to date. At the beginning, their families doubted their relationship as they come from different backgrounds. Through patience and perseverance, the couple finally won their families' blessings.
Their love was put to another test when Melissa was diagnosed with lymph cancer stadium 2B and doctors found a tumor in her lungs. Hence, she has to endure sessions of chemo and radiation therapy to overcome the diseases. "It was the toughest ten months of my life. But it is through this very process that I was convinced Abraham was the man for me," she recalled.
Throughout the whole ordeal, Abraham stayed faithful and was with her every step of the way. Sometimes he played guitar to cheer her up and other times prepared surprises to help Melissa pass the difficult times. After Melissa won her battle, Abraham had prepared the ultimate surprise, proposing to her in front of their families. "After everything we've been through, I'm sure that he's the one. Of course I said yes!" Melissa enthused.
Not long after the proposal, a friend told them about A Good Beginning competition. "The timing was perfect and Bali has always been our dream wedding destination," Melissa explained. "We also hope that our story can be an inspiration for other couples that will be or is going through the same process," she added. Through their story, we can truly learn how love overcomes all obstacles. So we're determined to give them a wedding as beautiful as their love story.
The Hilda Team of Bridestory then teamed up with Tirtha Bridal and prominent names in the industry to make the couple's dream wedding a reality. On the wedding day, Tirtha Uluwatu's chapel and dining pavilion was adorned with botanical elements by the magic hands of Steve's Décor. Melissa herself looked stunning in dreamy dresses by Cinobi. Her flawless complexion by Adi Adrian and intricate accessories by Litany made her look like her most beautiful self. Meanwhile, Abraham looked equally stunning, dressed in a dapper gray suit by Brillington & Brothers.
Even in the middle of all the beauty, Abraham and Melissa couldn't take their eyes off each other. Perhaps the struggle they endured together is what made the relationship so strong. "Don't ever give up on your partner. Through differences and diseases, keep supporting them. It is the greatest source of strength to overcome all the troubles," said the groom.
Looking at all the beautiful photos by Axioo, you can really tell that the wedding was heartfelt and memorable. "The wedding exceeded our expectations; it was truly like a dream. Big thanks to Hilda and Tirtha Bridal team for this unforgettable experience!" Melissa said happily.