Bridestory bekerja sama dengan Avenu menghadirkan The Secret Wedding, seri web pernikahan yang menarik perhatian di mana kedua pasangan ini tidak mengetahui detail apa pun selain tanggal pernikahan mereka. "Berawal dari angan-angan semata, The Secret Wedding akhirnya berujung pada petualangan yang tak terbayangkan," ujar Dien Tirto Buwono, CCO dari Avenu Indonesia.
Melalui proses audisi yang ketat, terpilihlah sepasang calon mempelai yang akan dikejutkan dengan perayaan tak terlupakan. Wulan bekerja di bidang desain, sedangkan Eron adalah seorang musisi. "Mereka tipe pasangan yang berani menghadapi tantangan, sehingga sangat cocok untuk mengikuti The Secret Wedding," jelas Ignes Pricillia, Head of Marketing Bridestory.
Sejak awal, pasangan ini menginginkan konsep pernikahan yang santai dengan tema rustic. Mereka lalu menuangkan berbagai keinginan tersebut pada inspiration board di Bridestory, yang kemudian dijadikan acuan oleh para vendor. "Kami sengaja mencari venue yang sangat out-of-the-box dan tidak pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya," ungkap Kevin Timothy, Chief Creative Officer Bridestory. Dengan alasan inilah, Industrie Indonesia akhirnya dipilih sebagai lokasi pernikahan Wulan dan Eron.
Lokasi yang tak biasa ini pun menjadi tantangan bagi para vendor yang terlibat. "Mendekor pernikahan dalam sebuah pabrik tentu lebih rumit. Kesalahan sekecil apa pun dapat merusak suasana, bahkan menyebabkan gangguan teknis. Terlebih lagi, kami harus menebak seperti apa keinginan kedua mempelai," ujar Emilia Tjongkono dari Designmill Co. Sang wedding planner, Hendro Gotama dari WYMM Organizer turut menceritakan pengalamannya. "Kami harus memastikan kehadiran 200 tamu undangan. Namun, bagian paling menantang adalah memikirkan berbagai cara agar pernikahan Wulan dan Eron akan terasa seru dan tak terlupakan," ungkapnya.
Penasaran ingin melihat bagaimana hasil akhirnya? Kunjungi dan lihat bagaimana The Secret Wedding berlangsung.
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Photography: Axioo
Bridestory and Avenu Indonesia present The Secret Wedding, an exciting wedding web series in which the couple did not know anything about their celebration aside from the date. "The Secret Wedding started from a whim I had, then snowballed into the ride of a lifetime," said Dien Tirto Buwono, CCO of Avenu Indonesia.
Through a rigorous audition process, we chose a charming couple to surprise with an unforgettable celebration. "Wulan and Eron are simply perfect for The Secret Wedding, as they are both daring enough to face any challenge," explained Ignes Pricillia, Bridestory's Head of Marketing.
From the very beginning, the couple wanted to have rustic wedding with a relaxed atmosphere. They poured their ideas into Bridestory's inspiration board, which was then used by their wedding vendors as reference. "We deliberately looked for an out-of-the-box venue that has never been thought of before," said Kevin Timothy, Chief Creative Officer of Bridestory. Thus, Indoestri Makerspace was chosen as Wulan and Eron's wedding venue.
This unusual location proved to be challenging for the wedding vendors involved. "Decorating a factory is very complicated. A tiny mistake can ruin the whole ambience, or even cause technical problems. We also had to keep on guessing what kind of decorations the couple would like," said Emilia Tjongkono from Designmill Co. The wedding planner, Hendro Gotama from WYMM Organizer also shared his take, "We had to make sure that all 200 guests would be there. However, the most challenging part was thinking of different ways to make Wulan and Eron's wedding feel exciting and unforgettable," he said.
Curious to see how it all turned out? Head over to and watch how The Secret Wedding unfolds.