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Attention, women. Were there times when you tried to communicate with your partner and it seemed like he's not really listening, feeling or even trying to listen to how you feel? Were there times when you really wondered if he's at all in the same place with you in the relationship, want the same things, and whether he feels the same with you or for you? Were there times when you just wondered if he has any emotions at all just because it seemed like he doesn't even budge when big problems are thrown your way and he doesn't seem to see it as life-changing as you do?
If you've concluded that men have no feelings and have zero emotions, well, we're here to show you how wrong you ladies are because in actual fact, men are indeed emotional (especially when it comes to his sports teams!) You just have to be aware on the matters that he will get emotional with. It's usually on extremes - either he really cares about something or he does not at all - but if we could rank some of the topics that he's more inclined to get sensitive on, here are our top few picks!
His job
Whether he's a professional working in a big firm, a cook/chef in a restaurant, a zookeeper who loves taking care of the animals or even selling televisions as part of his business, a man can and will get sensitive and emotional when it comes to his job. It is a part of who he is and what he does. So while it is ok for women to ask how it is in general, it is never a good idea to pry or dig up and finding out certain problems that bug him at work, unless he chooses to inform you and talk about it with you. Men can get very protective and will want their work life separated from their personal life, so that he can focus on one at a time and give his best. Also, he will usually like the people he loves to know or thinks that 'he's got it under control', which is why usually he handles his work stuff personally.
His family and friends (especially his mother)
His close friends whom he meets up for beer two times in a week, his favourite brother or sister or even mother who does not get along with you; these are the people whom he will be slightly more sensitive about when it comes to discussing openly. These people are probably the next closest people to form his support system (because we'd like to think you're the closest one to him), so be careful if you have certain issues or complaints to discuss with him as he might take it to heart.
His hobbies (especially his favorite sports team)
This is probably one where it raises question marks in women's brains. Whether it's Tiger Woods, his favourite golfer, Lewis Hamilton, his favourite F1 guy, Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid, both his favourite soccer player and team, men will forever feel a very close attachment to their choice. They will get into furious arguments and complain while watching the game passionately at home. (You're lucky if they don't force you to watch it with them.) But if you happen to be around and they need a punching bag, just gently nod your head and agree with whatever he has to say on that bad decision the referee made to give his favourite footballer a yellow card or how his favourite wrestler should have won the WWE World Champion title that night.
Usually he will do this passionately with the presence of his other friends who share the same views or at least hobbies. So, if you're dating a football fanatic, you can just listen to them passionately discuss in great detail how great the 90 minutes was played last night, and even if you somehow wished he would give you this much attention when you want to discuss which of the new bag look better on you.