Photography: BBC One
As the best man, your job is to help the groom and his intended, not hinder them. Men are typically jokers; the life of the party. Be that as it may, right now, you are required to extinguish chaos instead of causing it. Here are 10 tips on being the best groomsman you can be.
1.Punctuality is a must
Whether it's the wedding ceremony or a dress rehearsal, you are required to be present as long as the groom is there. Unfortunately, not only do you have to engage in small talk, you'll need to be early for it as well.
2.Exercise patience
Every ethnic group will have traditions that you will be part, some that may require ego-bruising tasks. For the sake of all that's right, don't break down lose your cool and break down the door, and don't let the groom do so either!
3.Dress right
A good suit for the wedding reception and church ceremony, and smart casual for all other wedding-related affairs. No hoodies and T-Shirts, no jeans, and certainly no singlets. A slick suit shows off your million-dollar personality and the ladies will sense it!
4.No flirting
Flirting with the hot bridesmaid is a huge distraction for those present. Save it for later. You should be kept quite busy running errands, mingling with guests, or even calming the groom down.
5.Don't scare the groom
It's normal make quips about getting married, leaving single life, being tied down, ball-and-chain and what-not. But if you sense the groom is getting uncomfortable with the jibes, you should save the banter for when he puts a ring on it!
6.Plan a rad bachelor party
And no, rad doesn't always have to mean strippers. Think of something that's fun, appealing and in the groom's interests. Try sky-diving or movie marathons or even paintball, whatever you think the groom might enjoy more.
7.Be of convenience
Everyone loves a person who has everything for every need, whether it's a cigarette lighter for a cake-cutting or a handkerchief for an emotional bride. Come equipped with MacGyver-ready tools in your handy pockets.
8.Don't procrastinate
If you have the bachelor's party coming up in a few weeks, plan it now. There'll be more than one duty for you to fulfil, so it's best to check things off your checklist quickly. Like the transfer season in the English Premier League, it's best to get the signings done before the season starts!
9.Stay alive
While you may spend nights planning and helping out, it's not unfounded to rely on a few cups of coffee to look alive. The groom's mood relies on yours as much as it relies on the events that unfold. If you're a natural grump, at least try to act happy.
10. Have fun
Try to see the silver lining in everything you do. Whatever help you offer will be much more useful if you're having fun while doing it. While I strongly discourage getting drunk during the festivities, a pint of Guinness helps lighten the mood, plus it tastes like a little slice of heaven!