Love is a Holiyay
oleh Axioo
Diperbarui pada 10 September 2019, Bali

If there’s any couple who knows how to properly unwind, chillax and enjoy, it’s got to be Alexa and Jake. So welcome to a day of celebration where casual outfit such as thin loose shirts and short pants was encouraged, and relaxed mood - a mandatory. Still, it was a superbly well done and extra stylish wedding by any measure. The modern vibe was apparent in the selection of color palette, minimalist and contemporary feels. Plus, there’s our couple who looked absolutely fine for their event of a lifetime. Simple as it may be, Alexa was stunning in her chic gown while Jake was the vision of millennial pink in its manliest height. In any way, these two nailed the idea of wedding destination here in tropical paradise Bali. And come to think of it, maybe this is how a wedding should be. Forget about the constricting rules or formalities; instead say hello to intimate and endearing moments where the lines between traditions and love blurred perfectly in one unforgettable event. For such a wonderful treat, there could only be delightful pictures. And before we leave you to savor these gorgeous moments in time, allow us to thank Alexa and Jake again, For teaching us a thing or two about treating a wedding as the ultimate celebration of a holiday, you guys rocked.
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