Wedding in Grand Hyatt - Onn & Nana
oleh Armadale Cinematography Production
Diperbarui pada 09 Juli 2017, Kuala Lumpur
" I love the song 小手拉大手 ", said our lovely bride Nana from China. We love how this wedding is infused with more elements of Chinese culture, especially when the couple put on a set of traditional Chinese wear. Not forgetting the series of bridal entourage cars that kept our eyes drooling! The gate crash game will never get out of style. It plays one of the most important role in Chinese wedding, and we couldn't have enjoyed more watching the effort of Onn with his entourage going through all the games just to pick up Nana. Wishing both of you the best of marriage. Be fun, be merry, be happy! Chief Cinematographer : Foong, Armadale Weddings Venue : Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Wedding Planner : MY wedding planner
vendor yang terlibat di project:
- Photography : Mphotoo
- Videography : Armadale Cinematography Production
- Venue : Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
- Wedding Planning : MY Wedding Planner
- Bridal : Armadale Weddings
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