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Hanashi Moment Review(s)
13 Review(s), sorted by :
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Amazing Photographer
Sumpahhhhhhhhh ,,,, puas banget sama hasil potonya ko Johan,, orangnya baik, lucu, pinter ngarahin gaya, dan bisa bikin mood yg baik buat aq dan pasangan. Hasil potonya pun gaush diragukan lagi,, bagus bangetttt.. tengkiu ko Johan.. ku puas banget sama hasil poto nya 🥰

The most enjoyable photo session
We're so grateful having Hanashi Moment as our media vendor. Sangat suka dengan pembawaan tim ny yg profesional tapi jg fun! Kita bukan pasangan jago pose, tim Hanashi sangat membantu dlm pgarahan gaya dan they know exactly which angles and motions they want to get. SDE nya simply to say, top quality, dan ini jg mrupakan testimoni dr tamu2 undangan.
10/10 would recommend again.
Makasih banyak dan sukses slalu utk Hanashi Moment!
Vendor Reply
05 March 2022
Thx devi & enrico, Godbless 😊🙏🏻

First impression Bro Joe: pro active, friendly, knowledgeable, creative! Kita ambil full package dari engagement, pre-wedding, dan wedding, dan hasil semuanya sangat memuaskan.
Bro Joe & tim bisa menangkap moment, mengarahkan gaya, dan kita sangat happy selama proses shooting because it was sooo fun! Tim nya kompak, sangat kreatif, dan hasilnya bagus semua! Bro Joe & tim juga sangat mengusahakan same day edit wedding video kita selesai tepat waktu, dan video nya ngga seperti video wedding pada umumnya lho. Video ini dimulai rada nge-beat, dan mulai sweet dari tengah menuju akhir. Top banget.
Thank you Bro Joe & tim, salam sehat dan sukses selalu!
Vendor Reply
03 March 2022
Thx je & arif 🥰 Godbless….
A Dream Wedding
pertama kali cari2 photographer tuh di bridestory ini. liat2 siapa photographer yang paling ok. terus nemu Joehanz photographer. pas liat2 ig dan review2nya bagus2. lalu aku dan suami contact koh joehan mau tau pricelistnya berapa dan setelah ketemu aku ngeliat koh joe ini kayanya orangnya asik untuk diajak ngobrol (friendly) terus aku bilang ke suami. kayanya koh joe orangnya baik dan bisa ngarahin gaya aku sama suami. Lalu kita deal sama koh joe. Dann memang bener sih koh joe dan teamnya mereka semua orangnya baik2 dan seru kaya aku sama suami orangnya suka bawel mereka tetep ayoin mau foto dimana juga terus aku pas foto prewed padahal itu udah mau malem terus aku maksa buat foto di daerah bandung garden stone dan mereka mengiyakan walaupun saat itu keadaan udah mau menjelang magrib😆😆😆. Waktu D-day mereka khususnya koh joe gak pernah mengecewakan sih. Bersyukur banget dapet photographer yang kaya koh joe orangnya pengertian😆😆. Thanks koh joe dan team. sukses selalu. The best pokoknya buat koh joe 😇😇😇
Vendor Reply
08 May 2021
Thx chelsea & Reinhard dr klien jadi temen…. Sukses ya buat kalian 😊 Godbless

Amazing Photographer
We really love all photos & video from joehanz photography. We choose the full package (pre wedding, engagement, and wedding day) and it was the best choice! Honestly I always look weird and don't know how to pose in front of camera but Ko Joe and his team could make me feel comfortable and relax during all photoshoot session. The photos & video result is really amazing and we recommend to choose joehanz photography as your vendor. Thank you Ko Joe for making our wedding day wonderful :)

Kita memilih full paket ko johan dari ujung ke ujung yaitu prewedding, engagement & gold wedding. Dimana yg namanya foto & video itu tuh fokus utama krn akan dipajang & dilihat org banyak, jd harus bagus. Melihat review org, katanya orgnya ramah & pandai mengarahkan gaya (nahhh ini cocok nih untuk pasangan ku yg ga biasa foto ala-ala), melihat mood/tone instagram ko johan pun kita suka. Saat pertama foto prewed, terbukti semua kalau ko johan ramah, lucu, pandai mengarahkan gaya, & semangat gt orgnya lucu dehhh. Proses pengambilan foto&video nya lancar jaya. Begitu jg saat engagement & wedding yg sibuk dgn acara sendiri, ko johan mengambil foto & video dgn kreatif & hasilnya pun bagus2. Video prewed & SDE nya 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Sangat merekomendasikan ko johan, worth it guysss!
Vendor Reply
06 November 2019
😊😍 thx winda & wibowo... cepet punya momongan ya, biar maternity & babyborn bisa difotoin juga hehehehe 😊🥳
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What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Proof CD of all images, Hi-Res image
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Candid, Artistic, Natural, Vintage, Conceptual
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Candid, Conceptual
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
Saya mengarahkan sendiri
What rate do you usually charge at?
Untuk wedding 12.000k - 22.000k / day
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
7 hari kerja
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
2 bulan kerja
How far in advance should your client contact you?
2 - 4 minggu sebelum hari H
What makes your services unique?
Kami menganggap klien kami ada keluarga...
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
Makan siang & makan malam
What payment systems are available for your business?
Cash, Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
10% awal kontrak, pelunasan H-7
When was your business established?
Sejak 2014
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