Kia Wei & June // split day // solemnisation by The Rocks // wedding lunch // next week edit wedding highlight by Teck Kuan // 2013
by Crummb
Updated on 13 November 2017, Singapore

//my heart beats only for you\\ Darth Vader just got married! It's fun to see how Kia Wei appeared on his wedding day, all dressed up as Darth Vader to give June a surprise. It was a pleasant surprise for all of us on the wedding day as this is probably my first time seeing the bride having to "un-helm" the groom before the groom actually "un-veils" the bride. In love, perhaps after years of being together, many of us may have forgotten the feeling of how our hearts can beat so fast during the courtship days when girl walks past a really charming boy in school or when boy is waiting for an answer from the girl of his dreams. It's so rare to be able to find a couple so deeply in love and for a bride's heart to still beat so fast as she walked down the aisle with her father beside her. I think that just shows how much June is in love with Kia Wei as simple things in their lives together can make June happier with each passing day. Just like what Kia Wei has mentioned in his vow, when you vow to marry someone, it's as though you've chosen her to set foot on an adventure that would last a lifetime, one whereby you're the navigator through all the obstacles in her life. It's never a bed of roses in the path ahead but it's to stick through thick and thin, be it good or bad. "Never keep a record or wrongs, but only to keep happy memories. We may have our disagreements, but I would not let us go to bed angry." This is just so true and a quote to share with all couples, a secret to lifetime happiness. Best wishes to June and Kia Wei as they continue to embrace each adventure in their lives ahead. Filmed by Teck Kuan and Zhen Jie Edited by Teck Kuan Photographed by One Eye Click Photography Solemnisation Venue: Rasa Shangri-La, The Rocks Wedding Coordinator: Lovorth Gowns and Black Suit: The Wedding Present MUA: Sophia Wedding Decorations: Floral Magic Wedding Cake: Crummb Wedding Flowers: Sing See Soon
vendors involved in this project:
- Photography : One Eye Click
- Videography : Crummb
- Venue : Shangri-La’s Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa, Singapore
- Decoration & Lighting : FLORAL MAGIC
- Dress & Attire : The Wedding Present
- Wedding Cake : Crummb
- Flowers : Sing See Soon
- Bridal : The Wedding Present
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