Taifur & Abby Malaysia Singapore
by Bogs Ignacio Signature Gallery
Updated on 08 January 2020, Kuala Lumpur

Taifur & Abby - Malaysia / Singapore #ABBYeautiFUR_wedding Love is a central portion of life shared the world round, and each ethos and belief have its own special ways of celebrating and honoring the combining of two lives. Couples of todays are finding each other across all kinds of devout and cultural divides, and the rise of interracial and interfaith union has led to beautiful new languages of identity, culture, and faith, as well as whole new sets of customs. At its fundamental, etiquette is about treating others with consideration and admiration. A decade of friendship, devotion, and affection, shared by these hearts is picture-perfect evident of how these lovers respect variance of their origin and have shared common understanding, Love. Looking forward to witness their 10th year anniversary celebration, on their exact wedding date and capture every moment that they can keep endlessly. . . . www.bogsignacio.com . #BogsIgnacio
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