Love at the first sight did not exist in fictions only. It apparently happened with Randy Pangalila and his fiancee, Chelsey. They might be in a relationship for only a year, but they knew they made for each other since day one. "We had an instance connection. It was like we knew each other, even before we met," Chelsey began their story. The Indonesia - Canada long-distance relationship had indeed challenges, but it was nothing for them. "Our love has never changed," Chelsey added.
Committed to their relationship, Randy visited Canada and asked his soon-to-be father in law to talk privately asking his permission to marry his daughter without under Chelsey's consent. Her father just knew Randy in short, but it did not stop him to give an approval since he has seen how happy her daughter being beside this man. After having his approval, it was time for Randy to ask directly to his lover. When they were on a camping together, Randy invited Chelsey to walk to the lake side. Right when the sun was setting down, he went down on his knee, showed a ring and ask the question to Chelsey. "Suddenly I felt blur because I was shocked. But, I said yes confidently," Chelsey excitingly spoke. "Funny thing is, Randy was also shivering, not because he was nervous, but because Canada was too cold for him."

For their prewedding concept, the couple wished for a relax and fun atmosphere. Skateboard and guitar, which are Randy's hobbies, were chosen to be the amusing activities on cam that were wrapped in romanticism thanks to each other's strong chemistry. For Randy, it was not difficult at all posing in front of the camera, but it was different for Chelsey who is actually timid. "Moire team was very fun. They understood our angels, how to direct us and it was so much fun bringing together all of artistic visions. I was no longer nervous because I felt the comfort working with them," Chelsey expressed her satisfaction in the making of her prewedding album.