After sharing Aline Adita and James Midgley's wedding album last week, today we're taking a throwback to their pre-wedding photos. Captured by Love by NPM, the album features shots of the couple in different attires, setting, and theme. Even so, what remained the same is the apparent chemistry, aside from the laid-back and easy air every shot has. It didn't seem like they were taking pre-wedding shots, it felt as if the two were just having fun. About the photos and photographer Nicoline Patricia Malina, here's what Aline had to say, "Thank you for this fun photo shoot. You really captured our personalities through your lenses and the whole concept, we just love it so much!"
Take another look at the photos and add ones you love to the inspiration board! Our favorite is definitely the one where Aline and James are dressed in a Bohemian-inspired outfit while sitting in a green house. So chic!