Starting from an acquaintance friendship between a school's senior and a junior, Afit never thought that Itok would end up being her husband. However, it turns out that God has a unique way of uniting them. After six years of not passing each other in the lecture hall anymore, Afit and Itok were reunited by a mutual friend who wanted to match them together. Long story short, after two years of being in a romantic relationship, Afit and Itok decided to get married in mid-2019.
"Incidentally we both work as doctors, and we would also start a coffee shop business," said the bride who dwells in Solo, Central Java. He and Itok did want a marriage with a complete Javanese traditional procession, from siraman, midodareni, panggih, to a traditional Javanese nuanced akad. Only the reception follows an international concept.
"I wanted a rustic concept consisting of minimalist wood accents, simple flowers, lots of leaves and dried flowers. I chose this concept because at first I wanted an outdoor wedding, but since this is an indoor building, I wanted to magically turn it into an outdoor-like venue," explained Afit. Regarding the wedding attire, they did not worry much because Afit has a clothing line business that focuses on designing and producing kebaya, dresses, and robes.

The multi-talented couple also used their coffee shop, The Tower Space, to hold a pray, siraman, midodareni, akad, and panggih. The pray, siraman, as well as midodareni were held were covered in a humble and bright atmosphere. Afit wore a mint green that made her look fresh. Then, during siraman she was wrapped in a pink kebaya and then changed into a sabrina-styled purple kebaya for midodareni.
The next day, Afit chose a Javanese-themed kebaya dress with a hint of modern touch for akad. After exchanging their vows and rings, Afit and Itok rushed to change clothes for their last traditional Javanese traditional procession, which is the panggih. This time, Afit wore black kebaya, a typical color of Javanese traditional kebaya. The bride and groom obediently followed the panggih rituals. One of them is wijikan or ranupada, where the bride washed her husband's feet as a sign of devotion to him and to remove obstacles on their way to a prosperous household.
The happy day ended with an evening reception held at the Diamond Solo Convention Center. They wore pastel attires at the beginning of the event, then changed to a darker color. The newlyweds then enjoyed the night of their wedding celebration by welcoming the guests, taking pictures, and having fun with each other. "It was not that difficult to find local vendors to organize a wedding in a small town. My number one principle is, we all have our own taste. Be smart in directing the vendors so they will produce the results according to our state without diverting their style," suggested Afit.