Often times, being in love reveals another side of ours in which we never know we have. We have no exact formula for love, but when it drives you to become a better person, it is the love you should hold on to – and for Thomas and Sherley, they are the perfect example. Thomas has always been calm, composed, and introverted – but with Sherley, he becomes warm, caring, and thoughtful. Sherley, on the other hand, has always been opinionated and straightforward, but with Thomas, she is soft and affectionate. After all, meeting each other made them better and stronger individuals, and also a loving couple. Finely organized by Ai Organizer, you will witness the day Thomas and Sherley tied the knot and the pictures are waiting for you right here.
See also: Elegant Wedding in Mulia Hotel

Something from the wedding planner:
A week before Chinese New Year and Valentine, Thomas and Sherley tied the knot. They've been together since 2009 and finally take one huge commitment leap in 2015. They're such a lovely couple who do almost everything together. From going to and back from work together, until working out together. It's lovely to see them encouraging one another to have better body figure on their wedding day. You can see that they have that kind of strong love toward each other. By far, this is the biggest wedding we ever had. Not in terms of guest number but in terms of the number of bridesmaids and best men. To escort Thomas and Lily, they had 1 matron of honor, 16 bridesmaids and 8 best men. Yup, we need about 8 cars for this group to go from one place to another. It was a fun wedding, full of love, and surprises.