This is the day that we've been waiting for since we heard that Randi Bachtiar popped the question to Tasya Kamila. These sweet lovebirds are officially married in a solemn wedding ceremony held in Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan, Jakarta earlier today. Witnessed by their closest relatives and friends, Randi vowed to take Tasya as his companion for life, to love and cherish her as a dutiful husband. Happy tears filled the room as their union are pronounced official, the newlyweds then proceed to sungkeman tradition where they ask for blessings from their parents.
Standing side by side for the first time as husband and wife, Tasya and Randi's faces are glowing with happiness, they also exchanged shy smiles and shared sweet kisses before receiving the line of guests who are looking forward to greet and congratulate them.
Not only their beautiful ceremony album, we are also sharing Tasya's pengajian procession moments and their wedding video in this article. Scroll down to see all the memorable frames and be a part of this couple's big day.

Stay tuned at our blog because we're also going to post their dinner reception party this evening!
See Tasya and Randi's pre-wedding album here: The Pre-Wedding Album of Tasya Kamila and Randi Bachtiar