Christian and Anastasia have been friends since high-school but at that time were still dating other people. After graduating, they went separate ways; Christian pursued a degree in Melbourne while Anastasia stayed in Jakarta for her medical internship. "Believe it or not, I dreamed about Christian days before he visited Jakarta during the holidays. In my dream, we were sitting in the car and I laid my head on his shoulder. That time, we weren't in contact with each other and there was no feeling at all between us," recalled Anastasia. What are the odds right? "I woke up from the dream feeling weird. A few days after, I found out that Christian was in Jakarta and decided to say hi. He was very open and even asked me out! We started going out often and it was when the sparks began to fly," she added.
Even after going out for a few times, they didn't make the relationship official yet. Christian finally went back to Melbourne to continue his study and in between, they lost contact. But love comes its way as fate let them meet once again. "Christian finally came home to Jakarta and asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes after asking him to wait for a month," she reminisced. "Christian and I are polar opposites. I am a romantic girl while he is totally not the romantic kind of guy. But somehow, we understand each other. When it gets too tough, love takes control and gave us more than we could ever expected," she added.
All photos taken overflowed with great chemistry shared by the couple. From their formal session up on the hills, a fun session at the beach, and a relaxed session in the hotel room, every minute was spent with so much happiness. There to capture it all was Yohanes Ryan of Nocture who flawlessly immortalized every beautiful moment. "We had so much fun during this two-day pre-wedding shoot in Bali. I am very happy to meet the couple and as I listened to their story, it somehow tells me that true love does exist," said the photographer.
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