Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni's big day started with a heavy downpour of rain in their chosen venue, Pine Hill Cibodas. It worried them at first, but as the rain stopped after the akad ceremony, it provided them with a wonderful breeze for the rest of the day. They choose to do their akad ceremony in traditional Minang culture customs, where both are dressed in sky-blue attire.
Ammar Zoni confessed that he was feeling extremely nervous and emotional the entire day. He even had to repeat his wedding vows (or else known as ijab kabul) because he couldn't seem to form the words correctly, and told reporters that after they were declared husband and wife, Ammar Zoni still couldn't believe that someone as beautiful as Irish Bella is now his wife.
For Irish Bella, it was a wedding that she always hoped for because she was surrounded by close friends and family, including their fellow cast members from the hit TV show Cinta Suci. Irish Bella looked especially wonderful in her reception wedding gown by Asky Febrianti, and seemed so satisfied with Diera Bachir's shots during the wedding that she eventually uploaded a few in her own Instagram.