Photography: Erich McVey
The key to a successful marriage is one thing: commitment. Once you are committed, you should focus all your energy, your time and your effort into making this commitment work. You need to decide - day in and day out - that you are in it 100 percent. And since marriage is about commitment in the long run, it is important that you are committed to someone you can trust.
Some men can be trusted and some cannot. That's sad, but that's the truth. Trust isn't about his intellectual capacities, his wealth, or even his stature in society. It's about his character. So, before you give him the key to your heart and throw away the lock, look for the signs that he is worthy of your trust.
1. He always keeps his promises
He never cancels out on you on backs out on his words.
2. He has strong moral principles
The values that he holds are apparent in his daily life. He acts with honor and the people around him can attest to his character.
3. He is consistent in doing the right things
He walks the talk. He doesn't just say that he would do the right things but he actually does it. And he doesn't just do it randomly, but he has adopted doing the right things as a part of his daily life.
Trust is the bedrock of all marriages that work. But trust is like paper. When it's crumpled, you can't really straighten it out again.