On 1st October 2015, Wedded Wonderland, Australia's most renowned wedding inspiration sites, together with Dockside Group, holds an extravagant Bridal Bazaar at Dockside Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour. This event is more than just a bridal showcase, hosted by the iconic fashionable Kate Waterhouse, this is truly one of the most awaited bridal fashion gala of the year.
The Bridal Bazaar was attended by myriad of celebrities, fashionistas, and socialites; you would be amazed on how gorgeous the collections are. Arranging from the best Australian designers with most sought-after creations, the show was indulged with overflowing romantic silhouette of various types of wedding dresses completed with acclaimed hair and make-up artists, and numerous sophisticated high-end labels, all together presented in one lavish show.
The hype was not only stopped there. There were also seminars given by the country's most-loved celebrities including Catriona Rowntree (honeymoons and travel), Fernando Barraza (fashion and styling), Jessica Sepel (health and fitness) and Greg Natale (interior design). The Voice coach, Prinnie Stevens made a surprise performance, opening the Couture Runway with her rendition of Earned It by The Weeknd and some of the city's most recognizable faces made an appearance, including Heather, Bec and Jacinda from the Bachelor, Lydia Barakat and Erin Holland.
Wondering how Bridal Bazaar turns out? Take a little peek about this sumptuous event, here.

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography

Photography: XSiGHT Photography