Krisza and Bimo did not play with their words when it was the time to design their happiest day. Took the authentic traditional Javanese ceremony, the wedding reception of this Bandung couple was lavishly held outdoor at Bumi Sangkuriang, and they invited 1,500 invitees. Helped by Mazaya Wedding Organizer, the event flow was their primary concern. "We insisted on making the guests comfortable, but we also wanted to offer a unique experience to them," said Krisza. First, the guests entered the ballroom area where it was intended mainly for the seniors. The could still enjoy the event accompanied by enchanting music from the gamelan. To reach the wedding stage, the invitees had to pass a foyer that was organized to be like an art gallery displaying Krisza and Bimo's pre-wedding photos by Jay Subyakto and Anton Montol.
Then, walking downstairs, the guests entered the outdoor area that was turned into a Sriwedari Garden. The beauty of an old Solo empire's paradise garden, Pawon Temple as a backdrop of the music stage, a massive blencong as a photo spot, and a Joglo House architecture as a wedding stage were all Krisza and Bimo's dream decoration which successfully came into reality thanks to Rekacitra Indonesia and Ine Siregar Shui Decor. The extravaganza did not stop there. A video mapping depicting a shadow puppet of Rama and Sinta, along with dramatic beams created by lighting designer Iwan Hutapea, brought the whole euphoria to the climax.
A rockery celebration with a finely-designed concept was indeed worth for the couple since their seven years relationship was not without obstacles. Krisza and Bimo first met when they both were pre-Christmas committees at church. A month after, they made it official but had to face a long-distant relationship directly since Bimo had to go back to Australia to continue his study. They could only meet every six months when Bimo was on a semester holiday. Finally, in the third year, they could have a relationship in the same city until they tied the knot four years later.

Having Javanese descents, Krisza and Bimo were sure to have the whole Javanese rites for their wedding. One of them was a 10-day fasting and pingitan (an isolation week). "Not only it trained our patience and emotion, the one-week pingitan really made us excited, as well as being surprised on each other on the D Day.
During the holy matrimony, both of them wore Yogyakarta traditional wedding costumes which were prepared by Sanggar Puspitaloka, a traditional wedding studio owned by Bimo's family. For the reception night, they pointed Deden Siswanto, who is a close friend of Krisza's mother, to arrange their wardrobe. Answering the couple's wish to channel a modern ethnic look, Deden created a set of kebaya and suit in a neo-Javanese concept with a touch of elegant green and gold.
Experienced an outdoor wedding feast, Krisza reminded brides-to-be always to have a backup plan for an emergency situation. "To anticipate the rain, we provided transparent umbrellas for the guests," Krisza confessed, "and an additional building as the plan B for evacuation if the rain poured very hard."