Nathalia first caught Ricky's eye when she was visiting his cafe. "We were introduced by some friends who happened to know each other," she recalled. One day, the pair went to help a friend propose to his girlfriend in Bali. Little did Nathalia know that after witnessing the proposal, Ricky would go on to ask her the very same question! "It was such a memorable moment. I couldn't be happier that we had our close friends around when it happened," she shared.
The couple soon planned a casual pre-wedding photo shoot that flowed naturally, as if they were just going on a holiday together. "We both love Japan and actually picked places we wanted to visit there as our photo locations," shared Nathalia. The art islands of Teshima and Naoshima were easy choices, as they had been on her list for quite some time. "We later added the Tottori sand dunes and Osaka as our base camp, as it's the biggest nearby city," she explained.
They started their adventure at the Tottori sand dunes along with photographer, Tedi Tioanda of Monopictura. The pair were bundled up in casual outfits with neutral shades of gray, blue, and beige that perfectly complemented the otherworldly setting. Cold as it was, Nathalia and Ricky emanated a certain warmth as they got lost in intimate moments while enjoying the seaside breeze.
Staying in Osaka also had its perks, as the couple were able to take a few lovely photos at the city's beautiful parks and photogenic streets. Again, Tedi managed to capture so many raw moments shared between the two. Nathalia was simply gorgeous in her low-back ivory dress, the most formal outfit of the entire trip, while Ricky looked charming next to her in a sharp gray suit.
Nathalia finally crossed off her bucket list when she visited Benesse House and Teshima Art Museum, where the couple posed among the sleek interiors. "We found out only a few days earlier that professional photography wasn't allowed on the site," she recalled, "Luckily, we were able to take great photos using a pocket camera!"