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The point of being someone's wife is to be able to not only fulfill your husband's needs but to also be able to enjoy married life itself. Some couples fear that the enjoyment of marriage will eventually decrease over time however; it all actually depends on whether or not they want to enjoy being married in the first place. Once you make it your commitment and top priority to make sure you and your husband can enjoy married life then you both will naturally make the effort to do so every single day. To help you out, here are some easy and fun ways to keep improving an already awesome partnership:
1. Bring in the compliments. Don't be shy or picky when it comes to letting your partner know how great of a husband he is, how handsome, how strong, how much of a man he is, etc. Be your partner's number one fan.
2. Say your thank you's. Show your appreciation for the little things that he does. Taking you out for dinner, holding you or helping you with household chores. Whatever it is that your husband is doing – make sure he knows how much you appreciate it.
3. Do the things you used to do as newlyweds. Put in the effort like you once did in the beginning to spice things up. Act like you once did when you were still trying to impress him all the time.
4. Keep looking good for your man. Dress up for him, put on that outfit he loves to see you in and simply show him what he's got. This is going to keep the sparks going and will boost intimacy.
5. Be kind with your words. Just because you have been together for a while doesn't mean your kindness level can decrease. Watch what you say as this can eventually make or break your marriage.
6. Spice things up by planning surprises. Don't wait around for your husband to plan date nights – take the initiative and surprise him every once in a while.
7. Do things together. Find an activity which the both of you could enjoy together, whether that is a sport, taking a class in cooking, taking up painting or even going on regular walks together. This will strengthen the bond you both have.
8. Show affection inside and outside the bedroom. Hold his hands in public, give him a hug and a kiss at least once a day and everyday and make sex a priority in your marriage.
9. Take care of yourself. You cannot pour out love from an empty cup so, make sure you have your 'me-time' in order to be able to love your partner the way you would want to. Do not neglect your own needs because when this happens, your marriage will experience an imbalance.