Photography: Ben Sherman Autumn-Winter 2014
There are a number of measures you can take to ensure you look your absolute best as you stand at that altar. A number of these steps are possibly things you never imagined yourself doing, and at the end of it, you may just question your masculinity. But stick with me and I promise that you're going to look incredible when your big day comes. And your future wife will love your for it…guaranteed. Double confirm!
Step 1: Get a manicure
Whaaaat? No way! But before you stop reading, realise that you're about to get married. Marriage involves rings and photos. In short, there will be numerous photos of your hands. And the last thing you want to see are nasty dirt laden nails. So trust me when I tell you that getting and your nails professionally cut, filed and buffed will be the best $30 spent. Plus there's nothing sexier than a man embracing his feminine side!
Step 2: Get a shave or a trim
You're not Tom Hardy, Bradley Cooper or Jamie Dornan. If you are, please never change. But in all seriousness, getting a clean shave or trimming your facial hair down to a coveted 5 o'clock shadow is a must for all you men tying the knot. It'll make you look clean, masculine and pretty darn sexy!
Step 3: Whiten your teeth
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your teeth, but there's nothing wrong with a little more gleam in your grin. Get your teeth professionally whitened or apply a teeth whitening gel in the weeks leading up to your wedding. Just don't pull a Ross Geller (of sitcom Friends). Nothing creepier than having teeth that glow in the dark!
Step 4: Have a haircut
A few days before the wedding (and not the night before), get a classic haircut for your big day. And please avoid mohawks and the ponytails unless the wedding theme calls for it. Stick to a classic slick back, a side part or maybe even a modelesque quiff. For ideas check out these trending styles.
Step 5: Visit the gym
Ladies love a guy who works out. Honestly, it's not just for the body; it's also for the amount of discipline and dedication he goes through to get his firm physique. And no matter how much she assures you that she's fine with your love handles, she's always going to be a whole lot more fine if you had a toned stomach. Not only do you look great without a shirt on, you'll look amazing in a suit as well.