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"Glow" Rachel’s Beauty Portraits by Will
by Axioo

Updated on 05 June 2017

Hi everyone! Will here! This is my first blog post ever and I am clearly excited. First of all, I would like to thank all of you for the really warm welcome you gave me the other day. It feels really good to be here, to be a part of this great team, to be amongst incredible talents and to be learning from the best. This is going to be an awesome journey, I can totally feel it. I’d like to share with you today a few pictures of my first ever beauty portraits session with Rachel. I remember asking Fen one day when she was shooting a beauty portrait, why she loved doing it the way she did and why her eyes would light up every time. She told me that there is a certain glow and beauty about girls who are about to get married. That glow is so inspiring and it’s just waiting to be captured. I didn’t understand what she meant then. But I do now. And she’s absolutely right! It might be great expectation or cold feet or excitement filled with nervousness from stepping foot towards the unknown, but whatever it is, the glow that a bride-to-be has on her is beautiful. It is one that is addictive to capture. On top of it all, I had a really great time during the session. Thank you, Rachel! I wish you all the happiness towards your big day and beyond. And to you, thank you for taking the time to visit my little contribution to this corner of the internet. This is the first of many. Cheers, Will

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