Ryan & Vivi
Updated on 13 November 2017, Bali
I still remember that moment when I was still a teenager. I'm always wondering what my future partner will be like. I want to say that my partner shares the same likes as me, we share the same music, same taste of art, easy going and friendly, all else. This must be it: my partner has to be compatible with me. Seeing Ryan and Vivi, I must say that they are that kind of couple that is compatible. They share the same thing over - even though not all, of course, but still - most of the time, they are so laid-back to each other, laughing over the same thing, or make fun of each other or even makeing fun of others... together. I really enjoyed our photo session. Everything was well-managed and effortless. We hope the best for these Lovebirds! Photographed by Ray Gown by Julia Sposa Make up by Vina Sun
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