When you're surrounded by extraordinarily scenic landscapes of nature as your home, you surely can't miss to take advantage of it as your engagement session setting. Fabio and Moon were so lucky to be surrounded by natural beauties of their home in Colorado and really worked it well on their engagement photos.
The two decided to showcase different styles in their shoot, from the muted rural suburbs, casual city date night, and of course, the snowy Aspen Mountains. Moon really stood out with her red dress, captivating Fabio throughout the sesion. See all the beautiful pictures finely captured by Bernardo Pictura right below and be inspired.

A short story from the photographer:
The couple initially booked me to shoot their wedding in Bandung. However, the fact that they live in beautiful scenic Denver, Colorado, nearby the Aspen Mountains is a definite advantage for their engagement shoot. They decided to fly me to Denver and it was a really long flight from Jakarta. But it all paid off when I arrived and saw the smile and energetic vibe from this lovely couple and how beautiful Aspen is, especially covered in snow.
Every good photo needs sacrifice, before we went to the mountain, there was heavy snow the night before, it blocked the only access to the most popular point in Aspen, so we couldn't reach the spot. But we didn't regret it too much, as we still found many beautiful spots. We had so much excitements that it made us forget how cold it was.